Support Page Content
Student Resources & Forms
Canvas based Student Resources
In these canvas courses, you can find general advising information, information on path to graduation, course registration assistance information, M.S. Program advising, faculty office hours, and many other useful resources (contact Ashley Mihok if you are not added to these canvas courses)
Curriculum and Course Information
Undergraduate Flowchart Information
- **NEW: Undergraduate Flowchart (2023-24 Catalog)
Undergraduate Student Information
Add Permits
Other Forms
Graduate Student Information
Add Permits
Guidance and helpful information
- BS/MS Blended Program Application
- BS/MS Blended Program Transition to Graduate Status Form
- Graduate Student Advising Form
- Supplemental Application Form for Graduate Admissions (Graduate Student Applicants)
- Classification Application
- Request for CE500 Plan C Exam
- CE500 Thesis/Project/Directed Study Topic Form
- Graduation Application
- Continuous Enrollment
Scholarship Information
Scholarships are available through the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office. A few scholarships are also available for civil engineering students through Caltrans' Division of Human Resources. Please visit both sites and check in the Civil Engineering Office for all available scholarships.
Professional CE Student Organizations
- ASCE Student Chapter (Faculty Advisor: Ouchida)
- EERI Student Chapter (Faculty Advisory: Fogarty)
- ESW Student Chapter (Faculty Advisor: Merayyan)
- ITE Student Chapter (Faculty Advisor: Khan)
- PCI Student Chapter (Faculty Advisor: Matsumoto)
- SEAOCC Student Chapter (Faculty Advisor: Fell)
- More Engineering Student Organizations
EIT/FE Exam Information
Academic Policies and Procedures
The following is a summary of policies and procedures specific to the Department of Civil Engineering. Other University policies and procedures in the catalog also apply to Civil Engineering majors. These policies apply to all Civil Engineering students. It is the students' responsibility to understand these policies. The Department will not hear petitions for deviation from articulated policies made by students who disregard catalog policy.
Minimum Grade Requirements
The purpose of this requirement is to assure that all Civil Engineering majors attain the minimum level of competency in all their coursework required for a Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering Degree. All courses taken in the major must be completed with a grade of "C-" or better. In addition, the following minimum grade requirements must be met:
- A minimum grade point average of 2.0 ("C") is required in the major courses, presented for the degree.
- A minimum grade point average of 2.0 ("C") is required for courses used to meet general education requirements.
- A minimum grade point average of 2.0 ("C") is required for all courses attempted and for all courses attempted at CSUS.
Calculator Policy
Only current FE/EIT approved calculators will be allowed during in-class civil engineering exams. Use of an unapproved calculator will be considered an act of academic dishonesty. Per CE Department policy, the only calculators allowed for quizzes, tests, and exams are:
- Casio: All fx-115 models; any Casio calculator with fx-115 in its model name is allowed.
- Hewlett Packard: The HP 33s and HP 35s models are allowed. No other Hewlett Packard models are allowed.
- Texas Instruments: All TI-30X and TI-36X models are allowed; any Texas Instruments calculator with TI-30X or TI-36X in its model name is allowed.
Mobile communication devices may not be substituted for calculators and are strictly prohibited from all quizzes and exams.
Incomplete Grades
Incomplete grades are issued only in accordance with University policy.
- The student must be passing the course at the time an "Incomplete" is requested.
- An Incomplete Petition must be submitted to the Department with the student's and the course instructor's signature.
- The Incomplete Petition (obtained in the Department office) must specify the work to be completed.
- It must also explain the basis by which the student's final grade will be determined
- The last date for completion of the incomplete work must be stated.
- An Incomplete grade that is not cleared by the set date will lapse to an F grade.
- An incomplete grade will revert to an F grade after two semesters.
University Repeat Limit Policy
Students may repeat no more than a total of 28 units at Sacramento State. (Students may repeat a maximum of 16 units for grade forgiveness, and students may repeat an additional 12 units for grade average beyond the 16 units of forgiveness, for a maximum of 28 total units.) Once the 28-unit limit has been reached, no exceptions will be granted.
Department Course Repeat Policy
Undergraduate engineering and civil engineering courses that are used to meet the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree requirements may be repeated only twice (for a total of three attempts). Grades of the second and third attempt will be averaged in grade point calculations, and no grade can be earned after the third attempt.
Reinstatement Policy
Students seeking reinstatement to the Civil Engineering Major must complete a Reinstatement Petition (obtained at Admissions and Records). That petition will be reviewed by the Department Chair for approval or rejection. Note: The only basis for reinstatement is the expectation (supported by evidence provided by the student) that the student is now likely to progress towards the satisfactory completion of the Department's degree requirements in a timely manner.